QuickBooks Error 3371 Status Code 11118: How to Troubleshoot?

Quickbooks error 3371 status code 11118

In this modern era, everything is becoming simple and quick. QuickBooks is also an example of technological advancement. It comes with lots of benefits for business processes. It is magnificent and user-friendly accounting software. But the only problem with this software is errors. You will get lots of errors while installing, re-installing, or upgrading the software. These problems can be resolved by an expert only. This accounting software is a popular and easily accessible than other accounting software. The con of this software is lots of arcane errors. In this article, we will help you to go through “QuickBooks error 3371” which is encountered by the user when there is some missing file while working on QuickBooks. 

What is QuickBooks Error 3371?

“Quickbooks Error 3371” is just an error. Sometimes different codes may appear with it. The user faces it while installing the software the first time. It may also occur due to damaged or missing company files. This Quickbooks Error 3371 displays “Could Not Initialize License Properties”. Some of the errors are included in the status code of Error 3371. They are listed below:

  • Error 3371 Status Code:–111118,
  • Error 3371,
  • Error 3371 Status Code – 1
QuickBooks Error 3371 Status Code 11118

Note: This message will come to your screen when QuickBooks is not able to render license data. The other reason may be damaged or a missing file.

If you click on “OK”, then you will get this message of fatal error:

QuickBooks fatal error

Note: If you encounter this startup problem, then insert QuickBooks software CD into the CD/DVD driver and make a process of reinstallation. This error can occur due to the corruption of seminal files. 

What are the causes of QuickBooks Error Code 3371?

If you know it’s all reasons you have to diagnose a generic reason by yourself. It is also compulsory that license information should be saved on the system’s memory. Some of the reasons for the occurrence of this error are mentioned below: 

  • Obregistration.dat: This .dat file contains license information. It may cause Error 3371 when it is damaged, corrupted, or not working properly. 
  • MSXML component: It is an essential file to run the QuickBooks Desktop on your system. It can cause problems while accessing QuickBooks software. This also helps the software to get information back in “Obregistration.dat”. This .dat file allows OB to open and perform seamlessly.
  • Anti-Virus: Sometimes Windows Defender Wall or Anti-Virus quarantines some seminal files of software QuickBooks.   
  • Outdated Windows or Operating system: While installation of this process, you may get an interruption. This is because you are using an outdated version of the operating system. 

Note: The above-mentioned ‘.dat’ file contains all information about the license and product number. Its file is always accessed by the software whenever the QuickBooks desktop is opened. This process is further executed by the MSXML file provided by Microsoft.

What Are the Symptoms of QuickBooks Error 3371?

All QuickBooks errors came with a pop-up message displayed on the screen. The reason is mentioned in the message. Some of the following mentioned symptoms are listed below:

  • The error code will be displayed on the screen (status code may appear).
  • You will be unable to open your important data or company files.
  • You will experience some glitches or lag while entering data by using input devices like a keyboard or mouse.
  • Sometimes in extreme happenings, the system crashes itself.

When QuickBooks Error 3371 is shown on the Display?

There are no specific timings of occurrence of Error. Mainly errors occur while installing software the first time or activation occurs freshly. Some of the reasons and scenarios are mentioned below:

  • Shifting of software from one device to another. 
  • Damaged, corrupt, or damaged license file. 
  • Sometimes the system’s operating system does not suit the version of the software that you have. 
  • It may happen when the MSXML file is damaged.
  • Moving important data between local drives in the system
  • Your installed Anti-virus may quarantine seminal files of software or any financial data.
  • Network issues may block the functioning of the software.

How to Fix QuickBooks Error 3371?

The fixation of the Quickbooks error 3371 is mandatory to work on your projects. Some effective processes are mentioned below that fix Error 3371. The mentioned methods are explained with steps for helping users to fix, diagnose, and rectify corrupted, and damaged files. 

Step 1: Update Windows manually

 Your latest version of QuickBooks may not work if you haven’t updated the latest Windows file. The Quickbooks error 3371 is appearing on the screen, then diagnose whether your operating system is updated or not. If ‘yes, then reinstall the QuickBooks software. If ‘no’ then follow the following steps: 

  • Click on the “start menu” icon.
  • Now click on “All Program”.
  • Then the “Windows Update” option.
  • Finally, it takes a few minutes to get your system updated.
Windows Update

Step 2: Reinstall the Entitlement file

The entitlement file is encoded with license details. Sometimes it fails to deliver information to the accounting software QuickBooks. You can fix it by following the mentioned steps: 

  • Open a “Run” tab by pressing “Windows Key” + “R Key”.                 
Windows Key” + “R Key
  • In “Run” type “C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v8” and click on “OK”.
C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v8
  • A new window of “Window Explorer”, where you will find a “.ecml file”.
  • Now Right-click on that “.ecml file” and delete that file. 
  • Close that window and open your QuickBooks accounting software again.
  • The “Error 3371” may be resolved.
.ecml file

Step 3: Use QuickBooks Tool Hub

QB Tool Hub app
  • Firstly close the QuickBooks software.
  • Download “QuickBooks Tool Hub”.
  • Now select the “Quick Fix My Program” section.
  • Now select installation issues and find out about “Error 3371” 
  • Click “OK” and open QuickBooks software again.

This tool will help in validation, resolving licenses, and handling registration errors. It also recreates or fixes the damaged file.

QuickBooks Tool Hub

Step 4: Manually resolve 3371 Error

To solve this error manually, just follow the following steps:

  • Recreate a file named “entitlementDataStore.ecml” and resolve license details and registration glitches.
  • Using “QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool”, fix C++ pitfalls, MSXML, and Microsoft.NET Framework.
  • After performing a clean installation, reinstall the software.
  • Now run reboot. File.
  • Finally, update your accounting software to the latest version
  • Error 3371 may be resolved.

Winding Up!

This accounting software is more convenient as compared to its competitors. Besides these steps, you may call us any time, without hesitating to the customer care executive, if you are facing a problem again or unable to solve “Quickbooks Error 3371” by the above-mentioned methods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will reinstalling QuickBooks resolve Error 3371?

Reinstalling QuickBooks can help resolve Error 3371 if the issue is caused by corrupted installation files. However, it’s essential to follow proper uninstallation procedures and ensure you have a backup of your company files before reinstalling.

Q. How can I prevent QuickBooks Error 3371 in the future?

Regularly update QuickBooks and your operating system to ensure compatibility and security. Additionally, perform routine maintenance tasks such as verifying and backing up your company files to prevent data corruption issues that may lead to Error 3371.

Q. Can antivirus software cause QuickBooks Error 3371?

Yes, antivirus software can sometimes interfere with QuickBooks activation processes, leading to Error 3371. This can happen if the antivirus software mistakenly identifies QuickBooks files as threats or blocks certain processes required for activation. Temporarily disabling the antivirus software or adding QuickBooks to its exceptions list may help resolve the issue.

Q. How do I know if QuickBooks Error 3371 is resolved after applying troubleshooting steps?

After applying troubleshooting steps, attempt to open QuickBooks and verify if the error persists. If QuickBooks opens without displaying Error 3371 and you can access your company files, the issue is likely resolved. However, it’s essential to monitor the software for any recurring errors or performance issues.

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